Squamata: Scincidae

Menetia greyii  

Grey's Skink (Menetia greyii)
click photo for larger image
© Vik Dunis 2013
Wathe Flora and Fauna Reserve, VIC (Nov, 2013)
Common Names
  • Common Dwarf Skink
  • Grey's Skink

Grey's Skinks are very small and very fast. You first see one when the tiny thing bolts from the open into the safety of vegetation.

Look carefully to see if there's another. You'll see it when it too bolts for cover.

About all you can do then is remain motionless and hope to spot some tiny reptilian movement peering out of the vegetation before the blood pools in your feet and you fall over.

Grey's Skink (Menetia greyii)

Common Dwarf Skink

Grey's Skink (Menetia greyii)

Common Dwarf Skink